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10 initial symptoms of dementia

Does the occurrence of memory loss always mean dementia? What symptoms should alarm us that dementia has begun.

What confuses dementia is that it is not really a disease.
It is a group of symptoms that can be caused by various diseases. Symptoms of dementia include impaired thinking, communication, and memory.

The main cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease . Dementia can also be caused by brain damage due to injury or stroke and other diseases such as Huntington’s or Lewy.

Memory loss is not necessarily dementia
If a loved one has memory problems you may immediately conclude that it is dementia.
However, it needs to have at least 2 types of damage that are significant enough to interfere with daily life, in order for dementia to be investigated.
In addition to difficulty remembering, the patient may experience impaired language, communication, attention, and judgment.

Difficulty finding the right words
Another early symptom of dementia is trying to communicate one’s thoughts the way one wants. This may mean that he may not be able to explain something. He may be looking for the right words but not finding them.
Talking to an elderly parent who has dementia can become difficult and take longer to complete.

swings Mood swings are also common in dementia. It is not always easy to recognize this side of dementia on your own but it is easy to notice it in a loved one. Depression, for example, is a common symptom of dementia.
Along with mood swings, you may notice a change in personality. A common change seen in dementia is a shift from shyness to extroversion. This is because the crisis is often unaffected.

A common symptom of dementia in the beginning is apathy. You may notice that your beloved older relative is beginning to lose interest in hobbies and activities. He may not want to go out or do something fun. He may lose interest in spending time with friends and family and seem emotionally apathetic.

Small short-term changes in memory Memory
problems can be an early symptom of dementia. The changes are often mild and tend to affect short-term memory. Your elderly relative may remember the past years but not what he ate for breakfast.
Other signs of changes in short-term memory include not remembering where he left an item, trying to remember why he went to a room, or forgetting what he had to do on a particular day.

Difficulty in performing daily tasks
A small change in the ability to perform normal tasks may be an initial symptom of dementia. It usually starts with difficulty performing more complex tasks, such as playing games with difficult rules. In addition to the difficulty of completing familiar activities you may notice that your relative is having difficulty learning how to do new things or follow a new routine.

Someone in the early stages of dementia may often show signs of confusion. When gaps in memory, thought or judgment arise, confusion arises as your loved one can no longer remember faces, find the right words or interact normally with people.
Confusion can occur for a number of reasons, such as losing car keys, forgetting what is going on during the day, or trying to remember who someone is seeing.

Difficulty watching stories
If you notice that your older loved one has difficulty watching stories, he or she may have dementia.
As it becomes difficult to find and use the right words, people with dementia also sometimes forget the meaning of the words they hear. Difficulty watching conversations or TV shows is a common initial symptom.

Problem with sense of orientation
The sense of orientation and orientation in space begin to weaken with the onset of dementia.
This may mean that one does not recognize familiar landscapes and forgets instructions that one uses regularly.
It also becomes more difficult to follow a series of instructions and step-by-step instructions.

Repetition is common in dementia due to memory loss and general behavioral changes. You may notice that your relative repeats daily activities such as shaving or collecting objects obsessively.
They may repeat the same question in a discussion after it has already been answered.

Difficulty adapting to change
For someone in the early stages of dementia, the experience creates fear. Suddenly he can not remember people he knows or watch conversations. He may not remember why he went to a store or lost his way back home.
Because of this he may seek out routine and not want to try new things. Difficulty adapting to change is a common symptom of dementia in its infancy.